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08:43, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Netherworld - Nishka's Emporium.

Posted by The LibrarianFor group 0
The Librarian
GM, 177 posts
Burgher of the Inn
Thu 23 Jun 2022
at 08:55
  • msg #1

Netherworld - Niska's Emporium.

The shopping thread ...
The Agent
Nishka's Agent, 3 posts
Mon 11 Jul 2022
at 14:27
  • msg #2

Netherworld - Niska's Emporium.

A short, wide tower looms above you as you approach, a sign on the building declaring, "Nishka's Workshop: items of all sorts contstructed, ready-made and bespoke, including enchantments and dweomered items."  There are buildings below the tower, arranged in a way that they appear to have an internal courtyard from what you can see from outside.  They are of heavy, dark, wooden timber-framed construction, with rough white walls between the massive structural supports.  Multi-paned windows adorn the walls, with fresh flowers lining the gravel path up to the great double doors, and the edges of deep thatching show as you look up toward the roof.  A smaller door off to one side has a sign on it that reads, "Offices of the Agent, Always Open."

Low sounds of activity can just be heard as you open the door, and the interior of the space is absolutely crammed full of a variety of items which defy the mind to fully take in.  Barrels of swords on the left, racks of suits of all manner of armor on the right, racked bows and crossbows beyond, cases of arrows and quarrels, shields aplenty, clothing in cuts and colors both familiar and unfamiliar, chests, basketry, leather goods, tools, cooking utensils, tack, saddles (some for body shapes you couldn't name with a knife to your throat).  Even more wondrous, there are some weapons that glow with an inner light in locked and barred display cases, along with wands, staves, and other obviously magical items, behind a huge wooden counter.

From behind the counter a dark-haired, human-looking woman looks up as you approach.  Her eyes are entirely black, with what appear to be a series of spiderweb-fine cracks in them, as if they were made of glass that had been starred by a sudden impact.

"Welcome to Nishka's.  I am Her Agent.  I understand that you have some credit to spend here.  What are you looking for today?" she inquires.  It is only at that point that you realize that there are armed invidivuals all about, obviously watching the goings-on here, and they have not only amazingly high-quality weapons and armor, but most look to be carrying wands of various sorts as well.
This message was last edited by the player at 14:27, Mon 11 July 2022.
Esmerelda Najeet
Netherworlder, 109 posts
Resident of the Inn
"Root, brew, or remedy?"
Fri 24 Jun 2022
at 12:54
  • msg #3

Netherworld - Niska's Emporium.

"I am browsing today.  I truly have nothing specific in mind.  I thought I should come and see how the frequented shoppes fair.  You know that my herbal rememdies offer a good chance for recovery at a most reasonable price....."

She pats her iron flasks in bandoleers...

"Anything that a brew master must have for sale?"
Netherworlder, 38 posts
Jaqueline of all Trades
Factotum at Lilianne's
Fri 24 Jun 2022
at 13:15
  • msg #4

Netherworld - Niska's Emporium.

The tiefling had excused herself for a moment while she wrote some notes into her journal. Several times her eyes strayed to the injured guard realizing that her own protections had been lacking. It was then that she understood what she needed to get in order to improve her defenses.

Arriving shortly after Esmeralda, the factotum greeted the Agent respectfully and waited for the brewer to finish her request. "Oh and can I ask if you have an enchanted darkwood shield... a big one." Jackie asked, adding "And perhaps some thistledown padding?"
Esmerelda Najeet
Netherworlder, 110 posts
Resident of the Inn
"Root, brew, or remedy?"
Fri 24 Jun 2022
at 14:03
  • msg #5

Netherworld - Niska's Emporium.

“Do you perhaps have troll’s blood?  I could always brew up some troll oil and styptic?”
The Agent
Nishka's Agent, 3 posts
Mon 11 Jul 2022
at 14:26
  • msg #6

Netherworld - Niska's Emporium.

"We're well-familiar with your brews here, and at the request of The Keeper, we direct any locals who seek them to you," The Agent tells Esmerelda, "and yes, we have a supply of troll's blood which I would be happy to provide to you."  After a pause to think, during which time the shatter marks across her gleaming black eyes seem to rotate and twist, she continues.  "You might also be interested in a set which my mistress recently finished.  It is made up of a salamander, alembic, cauldron, mortar, and pestle, all enchanted to assist with the craft and trade of one such as yourself.  I have it here, if you would like to examine it before making a purchase decision."  In a sudden, yet completely natural way, the set is right next to her elbow and she points it out to Esmerelda.

The Agent turns to Jaqueline, seeming well able to split her attention in a way that seems as if she is giving her full attention to each of the women before her.  "We do happen to have a larger, enchanted darkwood shield here, along with the thistledown padding.  Together they will come to 1662 of your 2000 GP credit.  Would you like to inspect them?"  She gestures behind to her in a way that particularly points out one specific shield behind her, glossy black and chased with mithral.

The set (salamander alembic, cauldron, mortar, and pestle) provide a +2 competence bonus to Craft(herbs or similar), Craft(alchemy) and Profession(herbalist), for 1200 GP.

This message was last updated by the player at 14:26, Mon 11 July 2022.
Esmerelda Najeet
Netherworlder, 111 posts
Resident of the Inn
"Root, brew, or remedy?"
Fri 24 Jun 2022
at 14:52
  • msg #7

Netherworld - Niska's Emporium.

“Ha!!  looks like you lot know your customers!!  I could use a traveler’s anytool as well, seems I can never get the right tool in hand when I need it. It’s the blasted pitchfork I can never find.  A couple stubborn nails and the balance in trollsblood?”

She looks around the shop a bit more

“I assume delivery is part of the deal, if not the wagons can come and pick it up.”

Edited shop to show troll oil/styptic being made….
This message was last edited by the player at 15:03, Fri 24 June 2022.
Netherworlder, 39 posts
Jaqueline of all Trades
Factotum at Lilianne's
Fri 24 Jun 2022
at 15:02
  • msg #8

Netherworld - Niska's Emporium.

Jackie was quite surprised by the prompt availability of her request, this being the first purchase at the Emporium. The corners of her mouth went up as she saw the exceptionally well crafted gear. "Thank you, that would be appreciated." the tiefling replied to the agent's suggestion, moving over to inspect the items without any additional comments.
Esmerelda Najeet
Netherworlder, 112 posts
Resident of the Inn
"Root, brew, or remedy?"
Mon 27 Jun 2022
at 12:41
  • msg #9

Netherworld - Niska's Emporium.

"Jaqueline, would you perhaps like to visit my shop as I make arrangements for the items to have a new home?"
Netherworlder, 40 posts
Jaqueline of all Trades
Factotum at Lilianne's
Tue 28 Jun 2022
at 11:41
  • msg #10

Netherworld - Niska's Emporium.

The tiefling examined the items to the best of her ability and decided they were of good quality, if not outstanding. Picking up both shield and padding Jaqueline nodded in confirmation and told the agent "Thank you, these will do nicely."

Facing the brewer she gave the shorter woman a strange look "Um... there are quite a few notes I need to add to my journal. Is there anything you need help with?" she wondered, not completely understanding where Esmeralda was coming from.
Esmerelda Najeet
Netherworlder, 113 posts
Resident of the Inn
"Root, brew, or remedy?"
Wed 29 Jun 2022
at 14:11
  • msg #11

Netherworld - Niska's Emporium.

"No worries deary.  I need to get the brewery fired up again, it has been too many days already I have been shut down, the mushrooms and pears will surely rot or feed the goats if I do not get back to brewing."

Satisfied with the shopping Esmerelda heads home....
Netherworlder, 41 posts
Jaqueline of all Trades
Factotum at Lilianne's
Wed 29 Jun 2022
at 14:40
  • msg #12

Netherworld - Niska's Emporium.

"I'll drop by later, if that's alright with you." the tiefling said with a nod as the gnome left. Then she picked up her own stuff and went back to her place, already formulating what she would add to her journal.
The Librarian
GM, 180 posts
Burgher of the Inn
Mon 4 Jul 2022
at 18:42
  • msg #13

Netherworld - Niska's Emporium.

Have we finished shopping?  Matt?
Nether Security Agency
Security, 59 posts
Mattias the Bouncer
Security Agent
Sat 9 Jul 2022
at 03:23
  • msg #14

Netherworld - Niska's Emporium.

Hi there.

Matt looks around, unsure what to buy.

uh - can I get my weapon or armor enchanted? or something to keep me from getting hurt by drunks and monsters?

Esmerelda Najeet
Netherworlder, 114 posts
Resident of the Inn
"Root, brew, or remedy?"
Sat 9 Jul 2022
at 11:27
  • msg #15

Netherworld - Niska's Emporium.

“Oh yes drop by anytime can’t promise I won’t be busy.”

Once Matt shows up..
“Poor dear probably had to check in and file a report….I should write something for the threats to the realm archive….at some point.”
The Agent
Nishka's Agent, 4 posts
Mon 11 Jul 2022
at 14:29
  • msg #16

Netherworld - Niska's Emporium.

The Agent sees a questioning look in Matt's eyes.

"Were you looking for something specific, something in general, or were you looking to have some item enchanted?  How can we be of service to you?"
she asks.

Yes, you can have items enchanted here, including weapons, armor, clothing, jewelry, and so on.

This message was last edited by the player at 14:30, Mon 11 July 2022.
Nether Security Agency
Security, 60 posts
Mattias the Bouncer
Security Agent
Tue 12 Jul 2022
at 06:17
  • msg #17

Netherworld - Niska's Emporium.

oops - I thought I posted again...I'm trying to think what he should get with 2k gold... Can he get his chain mail made better to be the same stats as breastplate or Lamellar? then a +1 enchantment?

So current chainmail 150gp sold for 75 MW Lamellar armor bought for 300 MW then +1 enchantment for 1k total cost 1250 in standard prices, then maybe add a crystal or two such as lifekeeping least and restful for a total of 1950 gp and my armor is +6/+3dex/-3 and +1 saves vs drain attacks.

If crystals not allowed then get brute gloves and or a brooch or amulet...

Another idea might just be a little better Lamellar or Breastplate without magic, then a cloak of resistance and then reach gloves or something.

Should I just pick and pay prices from MIC or am I trying to figure out what is available.

I think my armor could be improved...Matt says unsure of what to ask for - either that or my luck...
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