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03:06, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Chapter 30:  Return to the Caves of Chaos.

Posted by RaddekFor group 0
Sajaa al-Kassem
player, 397 posts
Stranger in a Strange
Tue 29 Nov 2022
at 17:10
  • msg #310

Chapter 30:  Return to the Caves of Chaos

In the midst of ferocious fighting, a wounded combatant tends to ignore her pains. Adrenaline has a way of numbing the intensity of the injury and allowing one to battle on and worry about her hurts later...

And now, later has arrived...

Having been forced to retreat from the front-line to be replaced by Giles (thank ALLAH!) and even little Lisa ...  Sajaa has a moment of inaction...

Poised near the brink of the cliff, she stands, bosoms heaving for breath... One leg feels broken and unstable ... her sword arm burns and blood spills from the arrow wound at an alarming rate... It is all she can do to remain upright...

Tears sting her eyes. Not because she has failed. But because she wants desperately to return to the fray.  To slash, to stab, to kill!

But Sajaa is no frothing-at-the-mouth whirling dervish!  She is only a simple Clan-girl from the badlands. And she has had enough...

OOC: Sajaa will stay put, taking an extra effort all out dodge or shield block as best suits her. She won't retreat if she'll fall off cliff. If she has a moment of peace, she will remove her shield, kneel down and take her saber up in her left off-hand.
This message was last edited by the player at 18:37, Tue 29 Nov 2022.
Rolf Erikson
player, 564 posts
Tue 29 Nov 2022
at 17:56
  • msg #311

Chapter 30:  Return to the Caves of Chaos

Rolf flies upward as fast as his magic spell will take him.  He curses all his gear slowing him down, but there's nothing to do about it now.  He's almost to the top and can only hope his group is surviving without him.

OOC:  Fly up for 2 seconds.  On the third second assess what to do and draw his falchion.

Lisa Rufbin
player, 161 posts
HP 13/13; FP 11/12
Tue 29 Nov 2022
at 23:44
  • msg #312

Chapter 30:  Return to the Caves of Chaos

Lisa tries to slash at the maceman, hopefully causing him to jumpo back so that she can advance from the brink of the cave entrance and tries to block any return attack.
GM, 2595 posts
Wed 30 Nov 2022
at 14:02
  • msg #313

Chapter 30:  Return to the Caves of Chaos

Frustrated at her inability to down this man for good while he was lying on his back, Lisa takes out her rage with a vicious slash of her sword.  The swing is perfect, and the man with the mace never even has a moment to see it coming.  The blade hits the chain armor, tearing at a snag in the metal and cleaving it more like soft lead than steel.  Hot blood surges from the wound, spraying across Lisa's own chain links, her shield, and her face.  She realizes with glee that the man is faltering from the wound.

It is only at the last moment though that she sees the mace, arcing in a brutal arc towards her left side...


The planks of Lisa's buckler bend and splinter from the force and her body staggers a step backwards as her heart skips a beat.  She isn't sure just exactly how she managed to maneuver her defense in time, though she knows without a doubt that the unconscious move as likely saved her life.

Carried away by the force of his own attack, and swooning from his injuries, the man with the mace stumbles forward and falls, his mace clattering to the ground as he bleeds on the stone below.

Gustav, at her side, has forsaken the crossbow bolt in his right hand for his sword, though he finds now that he has no one at present to use it on...

Meanwhile, the two women towards the back of the hall slash and hack at each other in feverish swipes.  Both of them move too quickly for the strikes, the knife and hatchet missing their marks each time by the smallest of margins.  Though when the archer sees her comrade fall at the doorway, she growls in frustration and hacks her weapon across her body in rage!  Terri dances back to avoid the blow, but the woman's momentum continues and her hatches smashes into the wall with a shower of sparks and the high pitched whine of scraping steel!

Rising up to the level of the plinth, Rolf finally touches down, his breathing labored with the effort.  To his side, Sajaa shakes her one good arm, trying to rid herself of her shield that prevents her from using her own weapon off-handed.

OOC:  Lisa's crit success gained her a hero point as well as double damage on the last attack, which finally cut a ribbon through the chainmail and did enough damage with a major wound to the mace guy to put him in negative HP.  He failed his consciousness roll and is out of the fight.  Unfortunately, his last moment attack still hit, which forced Lisa to use the hero point she just earned to reroll her defense and keep from taking a massive injury.

Rather than wait, I NPCed Gustav, who dropped the crossbow bolt out of his right hand and drew his saber, though the foe was already falling by the time he had a chance to attack.  He now has his Main-gauche ready in his left hand and Saber ready in his right.

Sajaa is 2/3 through dropping her shield, it will take an additional turn to fling it off before she can crouch and retrieve her own sword with her left hand.

Rolf is up on the plinth, though your sword is still unready (I stopped the action early)

Terri and the bowwoman are still battling it out, and for the moment they seem evenly matched.

Let's try and do 3 seconds again.  Anyone who rushes forward to attack the last enemy, please roll vs. Perception-5.

Rolf Erikson
player, 565 posts
Wed 30 Nov 2022
at 16:46
  • msg #314

Chapter 30:  Return to the Caves of Chaos

Rolf finally arrives to the landing to survey a chaotic battle scene!  He notes Sajaa is hurt and Terri is locked in deadly battle.  He curses having had to cast the flight spells.  He is spent and will not be able to do any healing for sometime beyond the mundane variety with bandages.

Getting ready for the fight he begins to take out and ready his shield.

OOC: Rolf will ready his shield which should take 3 seconds I think.  One second to draw and two to ready.

Sajaa al-Kassem
player, 398 posts
Stranger in a Strange
Wed 30 Nov 2022
at 16:59
  • msg #315

Chapter 30:  Return to the Caves of Chaos

Sajaa continues wrestling with her shield, the simple action hampered by her injured arm...

"KILL HIM LISA! KILL HIM!" She cries encouragement to the dark-haired woman as Lisa continues tangling with the tough and tenacious maceman...

OOC: Continue removing shield, grab dropped sword with off hand.
Gustav Du Meseries
player, 911 posts
Temperamental and Precise
Callous except to women
Wed 30 Nov 2022
at 17:27
  • msg #316

Chapter 30:  Return to the Caves of Chaos

Gustav moves forward to support Terri stepping over the downed men, if close enough he will take a swing at her head.
Lisa Rufbin
player, 164 posts
HP 13/13; FP 7/12
Thu 1 Dec 2022
at 00:41
  • msg #317

Chapter 30:  Return to the Caves of Chaos

"That's for hurting my sister!" calls Lisa after the fallen and falling maceman. She feels like spitting after him but her mother taught her to be better than that. Taking a pace to be within easy reach of Sajaa, Lisa says quietly, "Please hold still a moment, Sajaa." Having let her damaged buckler drop to loosely hang from its strap, the dark-haired woman concentrates for a minor healing spell on her friend.

She then reequips her buckler and thereafter looks to contribute to the fight.
GM, 2600 posts
Thu 1 Dec 2022
at 15:04
  • msg #318

Chapter 30:  Return to the Caves of Chaos

Gustav leaps forward over the tangle of bodies, momentarily forgetting he still has Rolf's magic upon him that allows him to fly.  But the forgetfulness is short lived, and the swordsman takes full advantage of the spell, lowering his shoulder and charging at speeds he would be incapable of on his own two feet!

Ahead, Gustav notes that the cave glows with a dim, red aura.  There is no light source that Gustav can see, but instead it is as if the walls themselves, or perhaps the air is putting out a diffuse and meager light that allows him to see by.  As the fight comes into closer view, Gustav notes that the woman's hatchet has turned in her hand from hitting the wall...  Terri seems to notice it too, for she throws her own defenses to the wayside as she surges forward, her knife striking out wildly towards the archers face!

But the woman is no novice, and she steps back with a weave that sends the blow astray of its mark.  But rather than regripping her axe, the woman instead strikes out with her boot, smashing it into Terri's unbalanced and exposed knee!

The joint bends precariously to the side, and Terri screams in pain as she falls to the ground, her bow and knife clattering beside her.  Stunned, Terri cannot seem to brace herself from the fall, and her hip, shoulder, and head all hit the ground hard in succession, with the last blow silencing her scream as she succumbs to unconsciousness.

Gustav grits his teeth and alights back on the ground but a few feet away from the woman, taking the last few steps before he lashes out with his sword.  Though he means to strike her in the face, again the woman dips backwards, avoiding the blade with a step backwards and lashing out with her own hatchet, though Gustav slaps it aside with the meaty guard of his main-gauche.

Far behind, the other three make haste to rejoin the fray.  Sajaa shakes her shield off of her wrist and crouches down, gripping her own sword with her left hand.

Lisa turns, taking a few fingers off her blade to place them on Sajaa's shoulder as she casts a healing spell.  "Sana!"  She murmurs, and she can feel the healing energies fleeing her body into Sajaa...  For her part, Sajaa feels the throbbing ache in her hip dull slightly, her vigor slightly renewed, though she knows she is far from back to full fighting form.

At her side, Rolf shoves his shield onto his arm with haste, his own tired body sagging at the efforts.

OOC:  Terri has suffered a crippling wound to the leg and hit her head on the way down.  She is unmoving and supine, with her weapons on the ground beside her.

Gustav has a ready Main-gauche in his left hand and saber in his right.  I had assumed you would have drawn your very fine weapon (I think I NPCed you through that action) but it seems like the damage roll you made was for your normal quality weapon.  Of course the choice is over to you.  I think your weapon still has a light spell on it, but regardless, it seems like the cave is lit through some ambient means.

Sajaa has a ready saber in her left hand.  Her shield is on the ground beside her.  She is now (barely) full move and dodge thanks to the minor healing.

Lisa has re-readied her own sword in her right hand.  She is quickly flagging from her spells and exertions and will be half move/dodge/ST upon any further FP loss.

Rolf has a ready shield on his left arm and is still half move/dodge/ST.

Let's do another 3 seconds.

Rolf Erikson
player, 566 posts
Thu 1 Dec 2022
at 17:06
  • msg #319

Chapter 30:  Return to the Caves of Chaos

Rolf furiously readies his shield.  He knows he's going to need it, though preparing it takes precious time.

"NO!" he utters softly, suppressing his urge to shout, as Terri is knocked to the ground.

The mage plucks his sword from his scabbard and flies as fast as he can to join Gustav in the cave beyond.

OOC: Round 1 draw sword and step 1 hex towards the cave.  Round 2: Close with Gustav and the other fighter.  Defense retreating parry.  Round 3:  Sword attack random hit location.  Same defense.

When Rolf flies in the cave, if at all possible he'll flank the fighter with Gustav and Rolf on each side.  He'll also fly horizontally and try to maintain as high an elevation while still being in 1 hex range to attack.  He wants to maximize the benefit of fighting with higher ground.

Sajaa al-Kassem
player, 399 posts
Stranger in a Strange
Thu 1 Dec 2022
at 19:11
  • msg #320

Chapter 30:  Return to the Caves of Chaos

Lisa's healing touch does much to stabilize Sajaa, but her sword arm is still battered to respond to her commands...

She watches, crushed, that she is too spent to help her comrades.  She takes up her dead husband's sword, gripping the jeweled, ivory handle in her off hand -- and watches ...

OOC: Take the Wait maneuver and observe surroundings. I'm worried the rest of Norla's game is alerted and on their way.
Gustav Du Meseries
player, 912 posts
Temperamental and Precise
Callous except to women
Thu 1 Dec 2022
at 19:51
  • msg #321

Chapter 30:  Return to the Caves of Chaos

Gustav notes her defense and adjusts slightly, going to a thrust for her vitals. His thrust allows him to follow her steps back and still strike.
( a good thrust can reach out 10 feet,I know this, but my knees won't take it any more ;-)  )

Yup, just saw saber and used the stats, without seeing the Very Fine saber above it.
Lisa Rufbin
player, 165 posts
HP 13/13; FP 7/12
Thu 1 Dec 2022
at 20:11
  • msg #322

Chapter 30:  Return to the Caves of Chaos

Having does everything she can for Sajaa, Lisa turns her attention to the fight deeper into the cave. "Aeeiii! Terri!" she cries and advances, sword readied, taking care not to impede Gustav and Rolf, evaluating the woman that damaged Terri.

OOC: Not sure of distances here, (e.g. are the map's squares 5' or 10'), but idea over the 3 seconds is to get as many Evaluate Maneuvers 9each only allowing a step) as distance allows and strking the woman at the end of those 3 seconds.
This message was last edited by the player at 20:25, Thu 01 Dec 2022.
GM, 2602 posts
Fri 2 Dec 2022
at 14:49
  • msg #323

Chapter 30:  Return to the Caves of Chaos

Feeling on the precipice of victory, Gustav lunges forwards with his blade, but the woman dances back, avoiding his thrust and swinging back with an awkward attack of her own that falls short of the mark.  Again and again, Gustav spears his sword forwards, though each time the woman just dips out of the way at the last moment as she retreats farther into the cave.

Lisa thinks to get in on the action as well, her eyes fixed upon the woman at the end of the hall.  She steps forward, watching the woman, her movements, her attacks...  She feels as if she is just getting the rhythm when the woman backs around the corner and out of sight!  Cursing the woman as a coward, Lisa hurries forward, though she stops over the downed form of Terri before going any farther.

Meanwhile, spurred on by his spell of flight, Rolf speeds forwards with his shield and sword brandished in anger.  One more, he thinks to himself.  And a two on one for good measure.  He is just about to attempt to round the woman's flank when something at the far end of the hall catches his eye...

As for Sajaa, her thought is far from Rolf's.  She worries that Norla's flunkies have heard them with all the racket...  Their initial thought had been to quickly dispatch the three guards at the cave entrance but that had all gone for naught with the posting of the three additional guard just within the cave...  She felt they were running out of time.  It was a feeling that quickly shifted to a chilling certainty as she hears a shout from somewhere within the caves.


It is a woman's voice, though deep and raspy.  Quite different from the scream of the bow-woman who has just ducked around the corner and out of sight...

OOC:  Let's do 2 seconds this time around.  Squares are 10', so about 3 hexes in each direction.  Sorry if that added confusion.  Map is provided below, with Gustav/Rolf/Bowwoman because you all probably have a pretty good idea where they all are even if you have lost line of sight.

Sajaa has waited at the brink of the ledge, and had her fears confirmed with the sound of what she is sure is a different voice.  To be clear, everyone else heard the shout as well.

Lisa had 2 seconds of evaluate done before the woman ducked out of sight within the cave.  You have lost all your evaluate bonus due to the fact you can no longer see her.  I had you use the last second to move to get next to Terri.

Gustav and the Bowwoman seem to be at a standoff, with neither of them able to score a hit.  I repeated your thrust to the vitals tactic for rounds 2 and 3, though they were all successfully dodged.

Rolf required 2 full rounds of move to get where he is, though you are in range to attack this turn (or try and runaround attack this turn if you wish).

This message was lightly edited by the GM at 14:50, Fri 02 Dec 2022.
Rolf Erikson
player, 567 posts
Fri 2 Dec 2022
at 16:15
  • msg #324

Chapter 30:  Return to the Caves of Chaos

Rolf draws his weapon and flies as fast as he can to join the fight.  But the woman holding them at bay is falling back and hampers him as he tries to get in position.

"Fall back!" he commands to Gustav and those in his group behind him as he drops his sword and reaches for something in his robe.

OOC:  Round 1: Step back towards the cave mouth 1 hex and drop the falchion (which is attached to me by a lanyard so I won't lose it) and ready a ball of lightning from his magical robe.  Defense retreating dodge.

Round 2: Toss the ball lightning to affect as many of the bad guys as he can, and step back 1 hex.  Defense retreating dodge.

This message was last edited by the player at 21:50, Fri 02 Dec 2022.
Sajaa al-Kassem
player, 400 posts
Stranger in a Strange
Fri 2 Dec 2022
at 16:32
  • msg #325

Chapter 30:  Return to the Caves of Chaos

A feeling of dread chills Sajaa from the pit of her stomach!  She fears any second now, Norla and her full force of banditry will be on them...

~But what can I do in this sorry state?!~ She frets.

OOC: Sajaa will look around the ledge and cave entrance to see if there's anything among the dead or discarded weaponry that she may wield as some kind of missile weapon, a thrown axe, etc.?  If not, I believe her crossbow was left above the cliff during their original ambush, right? If there's not an alternative, easier option, Sajaa will head up to retrieve and try to load her crossbow unless her maimed arm prevents her from safely climbing. If she's too injured to do anything, she'll run to the left side (as one would enter) of the cave entrance and take cover behind the wall, and wait in case an enemy come out of the cave at which time she will try to backstab them using her off hand, +4 telegraphic, extra effort thrust to torso.
Gustav Du Meseries
player, 913 posts
Temperamental and Precise
Callous except to women
Fri 2 Dec 2022
at 20:41
  • msg #326

Chapter 30:  Return to the Caves of Chaos

Gustav steps back around the Corner in concert with Rolf.  Archer plus four more coming  he says to alert everyone.
Sajaa al-Kassem
player, 401 posts
Stranger in a Strange
Fri 2 Dec 2022
at 21:06
  • msg #327

Chapter 30:  Return to the Caves of Chaos

”We should take Terri and flee!!”
Lisa Rufbin
player, 166 posts
HP 13/13; FP 7/12
Sat 3 Dec 2022
at 00:02
  • msg #328

Chapter 30:  Return to the Caves of Chaos

Lisa sheaths her sword and tries to move Terri back to the edge of the cave (where the rope and 10' drop are).
GM, 2606 posts
Mon 5 Dec 2022
at 14:27
  • msg #329

Chapter 30:  Return to the Caves of Chaos

Rolf is no stranger to challenge.  It seems as if ever since the contest to become a member of the Mage's Guild in Craine, he has faced one adversity after another in quick succession...  The massive worm that had nearly killed Darran in the mine only a few dozen miles away, the mad doctor Heraladus...  To this point he had overcome all adversity.

Still, Rolf is exhausted from his casting.  It does not escape him that this fight might just be too much for him to handle, especially as he is not sure how many more of the fighters may be coming.  But that does not mean that he is without any tricks.  Shouting for the others to get back, he reaches into his robe, and pulls forth a static ball, glistening with the arcing light of surging electricity.

Already the fighters are moving!  The woman at the front charging pell mell straight ahead to assist her comrade.  Emboldened by the retreat, the archer too seem to retake the initiative, stepping forward and slashing at Gustav, who easily avoids the blow and lances out his own weapon, though this strike too does not hit its mark.

Rolf throws his ball forwards and over the archer's head... though unlike normal lightning, which sails forward in an instantaneous bolt, this ball seems to hover barely moving at all, crawling forward.  The woman at the fore dips around the floating orb as she separates from the rest.  Rolf barely even notices as the archer switches her attacks to him, her axe lashing a superficial laceration into his upper hip, his worm-skin armor having taken the brunt of the blow.


The ball of electricity explodes into a thousand arcing bolts!  Many of them strike the ground, though licking tendrils of the ball lash out at the archer who has stepped back to avoid another blow from Gustav, not to mention the other fighters.  The man with the shield seems to get the worst of the attack, for he is closest and dozens of the lapping tongues reach out to strike him on the legs, the rim of his shield, and the head of his axe.

The man halts mid-step, his body seizing in a moment of agony...  But the victory seems slight as the other four attackers seem little bothered by the missile.

Down the hallway, Lisa hurriedly shovers her weapons back in its scabbard, crouching down to get a grip on Terri.  She decides to wrap her own arms under Terri's armpits, clasping around her chest so that she can drag the woman backwards...  But it is quickly apparent to Lisa that even with Terri's feet dragging behind, the process will not be quick...  She only hopes that she has enough time to get her out.

At the mouth of the cave, Sajaa stares desperately for some weapon to use...  Behind her, the two crossbowmen and their weapons lie at the bottom of the slope, far down below where she now stands. Her own crossbow lies up above, a thirty foot climb, and though Sajaa knows she could make it happen quickly under normal circumstances, she wonders how fast she would be without the use of her right arm...  closer at hand, there are other weapons, shields, one of which still smoldering from Lisa's fireball, a pair of broadswords, a mace...  several steps ahead, Terri's bow and knife lay upon the floor in the corridor.  Gritting her teeth for lack of good choices, Sajaa steps quickly over to the side of the cave, waiting to attack any foes that would pursue them.

OOC:  Map below.  Let's do another 3 seconds.  The blondish new character is the deep-voiced woman, who carries a short-sword in her right hand and a knife in her left.  I think I covered all my bases, though I did most of this post on Saturday and then got distracted for the rest of the weekend, so please ask questions if there are any.

Rolf's ball lightening was successful, though I struggled a little with the ruling here.  The missile itself only flies 3 yards per second (unlike a normal missile spell) and then explodes on command.  Controlling it requires concentration.  Since you were attacked on the second turn (and did a defense), you required a will-3 roll to maintain concentration, which was originally failed, though I spent a hero point to allow you to succeed it and detonate it in the same hex as the man carrying the shield.  The hatchet did hit you, though it caused only superficial damage after your heavy leather absorbed all of the blow (I opted not to use a hero point for your defense, as it mattered little).  Please remember that you are at half move/dodge/ST, so even with your bonuses from the shield and fighting above, you are still far from invulnerable

Gustav is stepping (flying?) back in pace with Rolf.  I had you do 2 attacks since you were in range.  All successful defenses again.

Lisa sheathed her sword and crouched and is ready to grapple Terri on the next turn.  You can carry (drag) her out, though doing so will put you into extra heavy encumbrance, with a move of only 1 per second.  Your other option is to drop Terri and save yourself which requires a roll against your sense of duty.  You can also fight, or do whatever else you can think of if you have better ideas.

I don't see a lot of great options for Sajaa.  There are three crossbows, but none in reach.  You could climb up to get yours, at a rate of 1 foot/second, which would involve a straight climbing roll (that is after modifiers for doing it one armed).  After the 30 seconds to climb up, you would still have to cock your weapon, which may be a trick with only one arm.  Alternatively, there are two crossbows at the base, which may be still cocked (if they didn't misfire during the fall), though it is unlikely they are still loaded after the fall.  It doesn't look like there are any great throwing weapons around either, though the broadswords appear to be balanced enough to throw.  I had you take the last of your options, standing to the side of the entryway as I didn't see any clearly better choices.

Sajaa al-Kassem
player, 402 posts
Stranger in a Strange
Mon 5 Dec 2022
at 15:57
  • msg #330

Chapter 30:  Return to the Caves of Chaos

Standing far back from the cave entrance, the steep cliff descending sharply behind her, Sajaa watches, horrified, as still more adversaries arrive on the scene.


It was her impulsive stupidity to persuade the other women to launch the attack when all they were supposed to do was scout the area. It was she who swatted the hornet's nest with a stick and now, because of her decisions, it is very likely Rolf, Gustav, Lisa and Terri are all going to die.

She presumes, if anyone makes it out alive, she is going to be punished by the Men. Beaten for sure. Executed possibly. She will die if she stays here. She will die if they make it out and she faces the wrath of the Men.

~Better a coward than a corpse!~

"FLEE FOR GOD'S SAKE! FLEE!" She screams, and then, turning away, she flees...

OOC: Sajaa will descend the cliff as quickly as she can without killing herself, will stagger to her horse, mount up and ride far away! Sorry friends! Even though I succeeded my morale check, Sajaa's own logic tells her this is a lost cause.10:43, Today: Sajaa al-Kassem rolled 9 using 3d6 with rolls of 5,2,2.  Morale Check for Sajaa (needs 11).

~10:43, Today: Sajaa al-Kassem rolled 9 using 3d6 with rolls of 5,2,2.  Morale Check for Sajaa (needs 11).
Lisa Rufbin
player, 168 posts
HP 13/13; FP 7/12
Mon 5 Dec 2022
at 16:36
  • msg #331

Chapter 30:  Return to the Caves of Chaos

As Sajaa starts to seemingly panic Lisa call is a firm, loud voice, "Sister! Help me move her!"
Sajaa al-Kassem
player, 403 posts
Stranger in a Strange
Mon 5 Dec 2022
at 17:04
  • msg #332

Chapter 30:  Return to the Caves of Chaos

Her face burning with shame, tears streaming down her cheeks, Sajaa begins to scootch down the cliff side...

OOC: I fear this is a last stand. I fear there will be too many adversaries and that flight is our only hope. I rolled against willpower to see if I could overcome my Sense of Duty (to women) and I made the WL check, so resisted the desire to sacrifice myself to save the others. Sorry folks, but Sajaa is bolting. I'm sure if she survives this will be a new disadvantage or quirk. Fight well.12:01, Today: Sajaa al-Kassem rolled 11 using 3d6 with rolls of 4,1,6.  sense of duty to women  (needs 11 to resist).
This message was last edited by the player at 19:09, Mon 05 Dec 2022.
Rolf Erikson
player, 569 posts
Mon 5 Dec 2022
at 18:35
  • msg #333

Chapter 30:  Return to the Caves of Chaos

Rolf pulls forth from his robe a crackling ball of energy and releases it towards the approaching men.  Keeping his eye on the ball, he doesn't see the woman's blade come his way till it's too late!  Fortunately for him his thick worm hide turns the blade completely and the knife doesn't find it's mark.

Meanwhile chaos and bedlam ensue all around him!  Out of the corner of his eye he sees Lisa desperately try to pull Terri back to the relative safety of the landing and Sajaa imploring them all to flee.  Running to safety is certainly something Rolf would like to do, but not till Lisa and Terri are in the clear.

Rolf must provide some cover.  "Fall back." Rolf says again to Gustav as he looks to keep in lockstep with the warrior.

OOC:  Round 1:  Step back NE 1 hex towards the cave landing where Sajaa currently is.  Rolf will draw his sword this turn.  Defense retreating block.
Round 2: If no one is in melee range then step back towards the cave landing and all out retreating defense +2 parry.  If someone is in 1 hex melee range, attack w/sword random hit location, one level deceptive for -2 to hit / -1 defender defense, then step again 1 hex towards the cave landing.  Defense retreating parry.

Rolf will continue to fly horizontally and as high as he can to maximize the defense benefit and defender defense penalty.

This message was last edited by the player at 18:43, Mon 05 Dec 2022.
Gustav Du Meseries
player, 915 posts
Temperamental and Precise
Callous except to women
Mon 5 Dec 2022
at 19:42
  • msg #334

Chapter 30:  Return to the Caves of Chaos

He cannot see how to do anything but delay the enemy so the others can retreat. He uses his speed to move  and attack from angles that may give Rolf an opening or to take one he provides. The dark Haired Blonde is his primary target.

(how much time left  on the spell?).

He feints with his Saber , parries with the Main Gauche and attacks with the Saber.
This message was last edited by the player at 18:08, Tue 06 Dec 2022.
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