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22:57, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

OOC Discution.

Posted by The NarratorFor group 0
Star Phoenix
player, 42 posts
The Eternal Soul of Fire
All Hero
Tue 19 Apr 2022
at 21:24
  • msg #202

OOC Discution

 I still think that Anethema as she is can and is STILL needed to contribute a vital role to the Impact Supers. She is the untracable, the untouchable, the constant watcher from the shadows... the member of our team that WE know no one can pen down... who is always watching and can never be 'truly' watched.  Anathema is our 'ace in the hole', she can contribute and we can all work to keep her off the 'official' roster as our secret weapon should the government overstep its declared policy.

We need her to watch our backs..
She may someday need to rescue the team!

But none of that precludes us having her part of the team. And openly aiding  us. We all just work to ACTIVELY keep her identity secret so she can watch the government's activities under the cover of being our 'mysterious' team member.
player, 36 posts
Wed 20 Apr 2022
at 01:39
  • msg #203

OOC Discution

Then maybe the question is to the GM.

What is your intention for the role of the government in general and the ART in particular?

Are supers going to be conscripted into the ART?
The Narrator
GM, 60 posts
Wed 20 Apr 2022
at 20:42
  • msg #204

OOC Discution

Then maybe the question is to the GM.

What is your intention for the role of the government in general and the ART in particular?

Are supers going to be conscripted into the ART?

No. At least for now.

I think good idea for the ART would be the PRT from Worm. Good guys in general with some hardass and several shady deals in the closet. They will be public so they need to keep a clean image. The exact red tap they will have will depend of you: if you are in I will kept it at minimum to not restraint you too much, if not they will be by-book with long procedure for everything.
player, 56 posts
Fri 22 Apr 2022
at 02:04
  • msg #205

OOC Discution

Anathema is totally not above stealing a submarine and salvage ship for her "holy quest." She'll return them after! Honest!
player, 40 posts
Sat 23 Apr 2022
at 18:59
  • msg #206

OOC Discution

Oh, Psyche, what a fantastic suggestion!   I can totally see Fathom making that a personal pet project.  Gives her a direction and a focus, which is just what she needs!  Thanks!
The Narrator
GM, 61 posts
Mon 25 Apr 2022
at 19:37
  • msg #207

Re: OOC Discution

Sorry I was a little busy the last two days. I will catch up tonight and post tomorrow.
The Narrator
GM, 62 posts
Wed 27 Apr 2022
at 20:08
  • msg #208

Re: OOC Discution

I will not post until Saturday. There problems at my work and it take all my time to deal with it.

Sorry for the delay. I hope everyone is still on board. If you wish to continu talk between you, go ahead.
This message was last edited by the GM at 20:08, Wed 27 Apr 2022.
The Narrator
GM, 63 posts
Sat 30 Apr 2022
at 19:00
  • msg #209

Re: OOC Discution

Hello. Sorry for being absent this week. My work keep me really busy.

For now we have Fathom and Psyche who are talking about a powered sport league and Anathema and Phoenix who want to try to find the meteor who impacted.

The second could be a good story hook for everyone. I had already some idea for the meteor and I don't want it to be a side story for two PCs.

So if everyone is okay, we can make a adventure about retriving it.
player, 43 posts
Sat 30 Apr 2022
at 20:22
  • msg #210

Re: OOC Discution

What Fathom and Psyche are talking about... that would likely be a long-term goal, and it doesn't hold a lot of RP conflict as far as I'm concerned.  But it does give Fathom a reason to join ART, to act like a good little role model, and tamp down on the paranoia that this character seems inclined to entertain.  OOC, we are just killing time and developing character.

Find the meteorite?  Sure.  I imagine that--if it's in the ocean somewhere, as Anathema seems to suspect, that Fathom should definitely be able to help out in a substantial fashion.  I mean, not needing the protective shell of a submarine and all...
Star Phoenix
player, 46 posts
The Eternal Soul of Fire
All Hero
Sun 1 May 2022
at 03:03
  • msg #211

Re: OOC Discution

The issue with this that I don't see Anathema suggesting searching for the stone as a 'team thing' cause we're are NOT a team, some of us are Actively seeking to avoid each other at our last encounter and Anathema on her own is also not really a team player.

As for Star Phoenix he would be ok with a team effort but he gets the feeling everyone else wants really nothing to do with him cause his powers are so obvious he's not going to try to be around people who actively want to stay away from him. It was not his idea to go find the stone... but now that is has been proposed he's quite capable of seeking it on his own out of pure curiosity...

My point being he is not likely to seek out 'Saturn Girl' who went invisible at the fight and decided to Not get involved or the blue girl who immediately ran from the fight.  Only Anathema has actually made an effort to contact him.

And yeah Shadow man who has ghosted the game for weeks now...
This message was last edited by the player at 03:22, Sun 01 May 2022.
player, 44 posts
Sun 1 May 2022
at 22:39
  • msg #212

Re: OOC Discution

I thought it pretty clear that my character needs to be drawn into things.  She hasn't embraced it so fully in 48 hours, as Justin has.   As the most pronounced and flamboyantly visible character, Star Phoenix would be the logical one to bring people together.  But, hey, it's totally your call.

Star Phoenix thinks that people are actively trying to avoid him?  That's a weird assumption.  Is this something you want to pursue?  If so, how would you like that to play out? What's the arc or progression?
Star Phoenix
player, 48 posts
The Eternal Soul of Fire
All Hero
Sun 1 May 2022
at 23:33
  • msg #213

Re: OOC Discution

Star Phoenix would not be opposed to joining up, or taking the public lead in supporting peaceful coexistence... but Anathema contacted him and drew him into her proposal ~ there is no way HE could know in-character what Fathom and Psyche are discussing.  You made a character that needs to get drawn in for her to engage; sorry that's proving to be very inopportune at this moment.

Yes, he does believe people are actively looking to avoid him.. look at how the fight went.  He tried to get them to talk... after he was attacked, and no one int he group came to his aid Except Anathema.  You ran away immediately, Psyche turned invisible and Shadow...well just vanished ~ from the game.

He calls Psyche... proposes something she of course takes it in the most outrageous, and provocative way possible then hangs up ~ without letting him explain anything or the details of his plan. 'shrug'

So yeah he's gone with Anathema and is kind of out of contact until one of you makes contact which will not actually help for now as his number of the phone he gave you he only turns on every four hours to avoid being tracked.

So yeah we're in a RP pickle here.

Right now all I can say is that Star Phoenix and Anathema are searching the offshore coast looking for the Impact Stone.  We may or may not find it... I'm just leaving it up to the GM to figure out how to pull us together.  If that's what he wants.  But I've been in discussion with Anathema and showed both her and the GM the post before I made it which ..triggered his recent post.  But I was not expressly told not to post it.  And I also did not post ALL of the proposed post to give the GM a chance for some input.
This message was last edited by the player at 23:35, Sun 01 May 2022.
player, 45 posts
Mon 2 May 2022
at 09:20
  • msg #214

Re: OOC Discution

It's odd that you're taking Fathom's running away as a personal commentary on Star Phoenix instead of the save-her-own-ass move that it was.  I suppose it provides an interesting insight into Star Phoenix' psyche, though.

If this is something you want to play out further, though, I'd prefer discuss it up-front and out-of-character.
This message was lightly edited by the player at 17:27, Mon 02 May 2022.
Star Phoenix
player, 49 posts
The Eternal Soul of Fire
All Hero
Mon 2 May 2022
at 10:52
  • msg #215

OOC Discution

Well, Star Phoenix would not condemn Fathom for running away.. it was a scary moment and she had no 'personal' stake in it or in the strangers she met whom she was uncertain of had not been party to coercing her to show.  But it does mean to him, at least, that he should not count on her to stand and fight should 'evil' threaten her let alone any innocents who might need protection.  HE has dedicated Himself to using his powers to help, defend, and protect others... even at risk of his own life, but he does understand not many share such 'heroic' or 'Altruistic' views... doesn't mean they are bad people ... just not cut out of the stuff of heroes.

Fathom ran when others stepped up to fight against aggressors, not stand with them to help.  Not a evil thing but clearly her own well being is the most important thing to her.. not so with Star Phoenix.  But he IS really hard to hurt... would he be as heroic if he had no powers?  The answer is yes.  He would be... that's just how he is personally. He cares for those around him, even perfect strangers... but he also respects their choices for privacy and anonymity! So he will not seek Fathom as one she left no means to contact her, and two at least, on the surface, values her own safety over others ~ not a heroic trait.  Fighting 'bad guys' may just not be something she's prepared to do without other motivation.
This message was last edited by the player at 10:55, Mon 02 May 2022.
player, 41 posts
Mon 2 May 2022
at 16:49
  • msg #216

Re: OOC Discution

Star Phoenix:
He calls Psyche... proposes something she of course takes it in the most outrageous, and provocative way possible then hangs up ~ without letting him explain anything or the details of his plan. 'shrug'

This is on you as a player. You left me hanging for SIX DAYS waiting for a response. And considering what she knew of Phoenix - that he's an overenthusiastic do-gooder who's eager to use his powers - and he was going to demand answers from the government, his own words, by the way, she had every reason to believe he was going to buzz the White House about as subtly as a Kalibr missile strike. It was out of concern for him that she advised caution.

But sure, go ahead and play the victim. For someone who claims to be hard to hurt, you have the sensitivities of tissue paper when things don't go your way.
Star Phoenix
player, 50 posts
The Eternal Soul of Fire
All Hero
Mon 2 May 2022
at 17:09
  • msg #217

OOC Discution


You think waiting 6 days is along time? Lol. You have no idea how long getting a post in character can take on Rpol.  I tried to make a post about three days into that and it was ate by a power outage due to a storm and I could not get back to it for in real life crisis' I had to deal with but saw no need to burden anyone else with. I posted when I could. Sorry you were too impatient to wait little. 'shrug'

"When things don't go my way?!?" What is that supposed to mean?  Lol

I'm acting on what Anathema proposed doing something in game. You want to criticize me for that?!? 'Shrug'

Not playimg a victim card just explaining why Star is doing what he's doing.

There is no way for him to know what any of you are doing so he's going with the person who is interacting with him.
player, 59 posts
Mon 2 May 2022
at 18:17
  • msg #218

OOC Discution

Jeeze, I stop paying attention for a little while to focus on my own stuff and this discussion happens.

Fortunately, I am a kind and caring goddess and can fix this!

Star Phoenix suggests to Anathema that Fathom's water powers could be beneficial. Anna decides to drop in on Fathom and lays out the whole "we were targetted for mrrrrdrrrr together so we should probably work together." Fathom passes word along to Psyche that Anna is such a smart and cautious and motherly goddess and we all decide to work together, at least for a little while, under promise of big motherly goddess hugs!

I may be embellishing a little bit (and skipping over the boring unimportant stuff), but I think it's a sound plan, yes? Please say yes ❤.
This message was last edited by the player at 18:17, Mon 02 May 2022.
Star Phoenix
player, 51 posts
The Eternal Soul of Fire
All Hero
Mon 2 May 2022
at 19:16
  • msg #219

OOC Discution

Lols, yes certainly... though I'm not sure Star Phoenix nor Anathema know 'the blue girl' has water powers! 'Snicker'

Edit: Wait... Anathema might know as she watched the whole battle from all the reflective angles... she might have seen Fathom create the water wall.. I don't quite remember if Star Phoenix was near or faced the right way to see that in the battle.
This message was last edited by the player at 19:21, Mon 02 May 2022.
player, 60 posts
Mon 2 May 2022
at 19:24
  • msg #220

OOC Discution

I have a vague recollection that Fanthom discussed the nature of her Impact powers, but I could be wrong. Let me double-check...

EDIT: Guess not. Whoopsie-doodle. So much for my brilliant plan then! I don't think Anna would care to speculate on the nature of others' abilities, given that her own are so esoteric.
This message was last edited by the player at 19:29, Mon 02 May 2022.
player, 46 posts
Tue 3 May 2022
at 05:26
  • msg #221

OOC Discution

If it makes things easier, let's just say that Sarah did so, retroactively.  Or perhaps recognized the blue girl from the the national news segment of her "coming out" after the presidents speech.
player, 61 posts
Tue 3 May 2022
at 19:10
  • msg #222

OOC Discution

That works! Impacteer powers now include recontinuity as standard! Hurray! ^_^

I'll add getting a post out to tonight's action queue. No promises but I'll do my best!
The Narrator
GM, 65 posts
Tue 3 May 2022
at 20:27
  • msg #223

OOC Discution

You alredy said that. Since the meteor is under water, Fathom is a obvious choice to have (and they should at least suspect it since a water wall appeared during the battle where no other showed water powers). And since Fathom is already on speaking term with Psyche, the last of you can be invited to your aquatic adventure.

If everyone is okay with that, I will create a new Issue. And try to focus on that, the end of the prologue as did go in every direction. For now I have keep four storylines in head.

-The Meteor (and Anathema attraction to it).
-The ART (and Fathom talk with tem).
-The mysterious employer of your agressors.
-The four is a little surprise.
This message was last edited by the GM at 20:35, Tue 03 May 2022.
player, 63 posts
Thu 5 May 2022
at 02:51
  • msg #224

OOC Discution

I just realized that Anna and Anna have the same name. I can't even call one "blue Anna" because they are both blue!

Your post was delightful to read! Had me giggling the whole time.
player, 48 posts
Thu 5 May 2022
at 05:29
  • msg #225

OOC Discution

When Anahita eventually reveals herself, I'm sure it will be an opportunity for comedic confusion.  So far, she's only made an appearance in a private line.   But, I'm in no hurry.  No need to unveil too much at once. :)

Thanks for the compliment.  I wanted Sarah to be something other than angry and distrustful all the damned time...   I'm happy to try being the comedic relief!
The Narrator
GM, 66 posts
Fri 6 May 2022
at 20:24
  • msg #226

OOC Discution

I am ready to advance the story. I will let everyone until monday to finish what they want to say before I open a new tread and launch the hunt for the meteor. If anyone is against, speak now or never.
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